Getting to 国外博彩app

P.O. 222000箱
西雅图, WA 98122-1090




  1. 沿5号州际公路向南行驶
  2. Take exit 165A to James Street
  3. Left onto James Street
  4. 左转进入第12大道
  5. Left onto East Marion Street


  1. 沿I-5向北行驶
  2. Take exit 164A to James Street
  3. Right onto James Street
  4. 左转进入第12大道
  5. Left onto East Marion Street


  1. Head west on I-90 toward 西雅图
  2. Take exit 2C toward I-5 North
  3. 取 James Street exit
  4. Right onto James Street
  5. 左转进入第12大道
  6. Left onto East Marion Street


  1. 沿WA-520向西走
  2. Merge onto I-5 South toward Portland
  3. Take exit 165A to James Street
  4. Left onto James Street
  5. 左转进入第12大道
  6. Left onto East Marion Street


Public transit is the preferred method for getting to campus. Please refer to transit agency websites for information about fares and transfers between transportation modes.


Several King County 地铁公交 routes serve the area surrounding 国外博彩app.


西雅图 U is directly served by the 西雅图的有轨电车 at the Broadway & 马里昂停止. The Streetcar also connects to 连接轻轨's International District/Chinatown Station and Capitol Hill Station.


The 连接轻轨 does not serve campus directly, but can be taken as part of your journey to 西雅图 U.

  • 连接轻轨 to the Pioneer Square station stop, walk 1 block to James St & 第三大道,然后走 地铁公交, routes 3 or 4, to campus (E. 杰斐逊圣 & 百老汇或E. 杰斐逊圣 & 12th St).
  • 连接轻轨 to International District/Chinatown station and then take the 西雅图的有轨电车 在第五街和第五街交口. Jackson, eastbound, getting off 在百老汇 & 马里昂停止 for 国外博彩app.
  • 连接轻轨 to Capitol Hill station, then take the 西雅图的有轨电车 在百老汇 & Denny, westbound, getting off at the Broadway & 马里昂停止.